Standards for publication




  • Software: The article must be edited only in Word software;
  • Font: “Times New Roman”, size 12;
  • Text: justified alignment;
  • Spacing: simple;
  • Column: one;
  • Titles: in bold, centered, numbered and in capital letters, in “Times New Roman” font, size 12, spacing two lines before the title and one line below the title;
  • Subtitles: in bold, aligned to the left, numbered (Ex: 5.1), only first letter capitalized, in font “Times New Roman”, size 12; one line spacing must be given before and one line below the title;
  • Paragraph: 1.25 cm (tabulation)
  • Page: A4 paper, portrait orientation, single spaced;
  • Margins: top, bottom and left: 3 cm and right: 2 cm;
  • Tables: width of 10 or 15 cm, in font "Times New Roman", size 12, inserted just below the paragraph in which they were cited, the table title must be above it, the term "Table" must be in bold , numbered and followed by a period (Example: Table 1. Revista Irriga), the table font must be right below it, in "Times New Roman", size 10, the term "Font" must be in bold and followed of two points (Example: Source: Irriga (2017));
  • Graphics and figures: width of 10 or 15 cm, with a minimum resolution of 300 bpi, inserted just below the paragraph in which they were cited, the title must be above it, the term "Graphic" or "Figure" must be in bold , numbered and followed by a period (Example: Figure 1. Revista Irriga), the font must be right below it, in "Times New Roman", size 10, the term "Font" must be in bold and followed by two points (Example: Source: Irriga (2017)). The use of colors is recommended to facilitate the understanding of the information expressed, they must not have borders;
  • Equations: must be left-aligned and numbered in parentheses to the right of the line.
  • References and citations: According to ABNT standards.




  • Title: “Times New Roman” font, size 12, bold, centered and capital letters. The title of the work, in capital letters, centered and in bold, not including scientific names of the species, unless there is no common name in the language in which it was written. Section titles must be in capital letters, centered, bold and numbered (Ex: 3 INTRODUCTION); subtitles must be left aligned (Ex: 3.1 Solo);
  • Authors' names: in full, font “Times New Roman”, size 12, bold, centered, capital letters, separated by a semicolon (;) and last author by the conjunction “E” (Example: RODRIGO MÁXIMO SÁNCHEZ ROMÁN; JOÃO CARLOS CURY SAAD AND RAFAELA MARIA VIZENZZOTTO). The article must contain a maximum of 6 (six) authors.
  • Authors' affiliations: below the authors' names, the authors' complete affiliation must be in “Times New Roman”, size 10 and in italics, in order: department, institution of origin, address (street, number, district, zip code , city, state, country) and email.
  • 1 ABSTRACT: must not contain more than 200 words;
  • Keywords: at least 3 (three) and at most 5 (five), separated by comma, font “Times New Roman”, size 12, all in lowercase. These should never repeat indexing terms that are already in the title;
  • Abbreviation of authors' names: authors' names as they would appear in the bibliographic references, font “Times New Roman”, size 12, bold, centered, capital letters, separated by a semicolon (;), (Example: SÁNCHEZ-ROMÁN, RM ; SAAD, JCC; VIZENZZOTTO, RM)
  • Title in English;
  • Keywords: separated by comma, font “Times New Roman”, size 12, all in lowercase, and must be a faithful translation of the keywords;
  • 7 THANKS: optional;
  • 8 REFERENCES: according to ABNT standards.