Peer Review Process

All papers will be examined by at least two "ad hoc" reviewers and, if there is disagreement for the acceptance of the paper, it will be sent to another(s). As soon as the merits are approved, it will be forwarded to the librarian, the editorial review and the Ethics Committee (check if the article presents plagiarism). Afterwards, the authors will receive the article for the last review, and must send a letter of consent for the publication of the work. If a conflict of interest is detected, the article will be sent to the scientific editors.


​​​​​​​The journal has a comprehensive list of reviewers, who reside in Brazil and abroad, in the following areas of concentration: rational reasonable of water in irrigation; sustainability of irrigated agriculture; irrigation engineering; agricultural drainage; control of the water table and the environment; chemigation; water reuse in agriculture; monitoring of agrometeorological parameters in irrigated areas; geoprocessing applied to irrigation and drainage; irrigation management; among others.